Holland Health – Need exercise advice?

Why not talk to your massage therapist for exercise advice? Many aches and pains are the result of muscle tightness, weakness, over use, and imbalance.  All the issues that a massage therapist at Holland Heath can address.


Stretches and Exercises for Health

We can show you stretches and exercises to help with many of the aches and pains of daily life or specific injuries.  Massage often helps and with added “take-home exercises”, the outcome of feeling great and returning to your activities in life can happen quicker.  As I often say, “help me – help you”. Investing in your health by learning about and practicing the proper stretches and exercises can help alleviate the pain which at times can result in chronic pain if left unaddressed.


Physical Therapy with Massage

Physical therapy along with a trained “muscle doctor” is the best combination for success.  Think of your massage as more than just relaxation and stress relief.  Massage is “body wellness”. You are investing in good health.  Personally, I’d rather feel better by receiving a therapeutic massage than by taking a pill.

Take control & feel good while achieving all your daily activities and life’s desires with the help of massage body work.  An hour every couple weeks will go far in helping you feel your best.

Shari Holland

Shari Holland is the owner of Holland Health located in Gurnee, Illinois (Lake County, Illinois) As a professional therapeutic massage therapist, exercise trainer, and sports fitness trainer, she offers sports fitness training as well as  professional therapeutic massage to rid muscles of trigger points, adhesions and tightness. Shari has a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education, a Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Adult Fitness, graduated from the Chicago School of Massage and has advanced training in massage for cancer patients.